Personalized Hearing Protection for the Pulp and Paper Industry

Working in the pulp and paper industry, workers are frequently reminded to wear hearing protection and safety glasses. Most manufacturing areas mandate their use, and failure to comply with these rules frequently brings stern warnings or reprimands. Fortunately, the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for sight and sound has almost become second nature to most Paper and Pulp plants. However, there are still some plants that have not found a way to enhance a safe workplace by implementing a hearing conservation program. Specializing in personalized hearing protective, ProtectEar USA has helped many manufacturing companies overcome their performance limitations and safety concerns. We start by assessing the noise levels and working conditions each person faces. then we determine the best protectors for the individual and make appropriate recommendations for optimal productivity, protection, and comfort.

Paper Lumber
As in other process industries, the issue of hearing protection in the pulp and paper industry is made more complex by the fact that employers must not only protect their workers’ hearing, but also the purity of their product. In both Canada and the US, a host of regulations seek to ensure the safety of both, but in pulp and paper especially, economic concerns are also critical. Product batches are huge, as is the cost of an impurity causing spoilage, and strict requirements to eliminate contaminants — especially plastic — extend all the way upstream to the chippers who initially grind the logs.

To avoid costly time loss errors or omissions, your workers must be able to perform at their best at all times. Therefore, communication in your factory needs to be perfect. Studies by the U.S. Army have show that communication degradation by only 25% can multiply the number of miscommunications 37 fold and increase task-related errors from 0 to 8%.

ProtectEar USA’s dB Blockers allow interpersonal and radio communication to be clearly exchanges while keeping your workers protected. Without the stress of misunderstandings or inadequate, ill-fitting protectors, they can remain focused and sharper on their tasks, reducing slip-ups and increasing productivity.

Managing Healthcare Costs in the Pulp & Paper Industry

For many workers, hearing loss is an invisible threat. They don’t realize that the impact of hazardous noise is cumulative, or that even brief periods without protection can cause damage. Nor do they realize that hearing loss is permanent. There is no cure. Thus, making workers understand and care is the first step in any hearing conservation program.

Looking after your workers also helps manage healthcare costs. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, noise induced hearing loss is the number one workplace illness in America, affecting some 30 million workers. With healthcare costs representing the largest and fastest rising cost faced by U.S. manufacturers, the loss your employees’ hearing is not something you can afford.

But by having your workers properly protected by ProtectEar USA, you can rise above all these challenges, enabling your operations to run smoothly and efficiently. Without the stress of noise, mistakes can be avoided. View dB Blockers and start preserving your workers hearing.

Workers Can Protect Their Hearing with Custom Ear Plugs

Do not wait to experience any of these symptoms before you protect your ears with hearing protection. ProtectEar dB Blockers™ custom fit earplugs are more comfortable and offer superior hearing protection to any disposable earplug. However, did you know that they are more cost effective as well?

You can reduce your hearing protection costs by 60% over five years when an entire facility is fit. dB Blockers™ are more comfortable because there is only one way for them to fit and they made for each individual. They also make it easy for workers to communicate with each other because of our proprietary tuned filter that allows users to hear better with the plugs in than if they take them out.

The Smartest Hearing Protection in the World