Mark your calendars October is National Protect Your Hearing Month
CDC supports National Protect Your Hearing Month (#NPYHM). It is an annual event each October to provide an opportunity to raise awareness about hearing and speech problems. People are encouraged to think about their own hearing and to get their hearing checked if they think there might be a problem.
Hearing loss should matter to everyone!
Did you know there is no cure for hearing loss? This is why hearing protection is important and designed for everyone. You can prevent hearing loss by protecting your hearing.
Avoid loud noise whenever possible and turn down the volume on personal listening devices. If you can’t avoid loud noise, use hearing protection like hearing moulds, earplugs or earmuffs to protect your ears.
Hearing loss happens to all people and ages. Sometimes hearing loss can happen due to occupational hazards or from everyday sounds and noises. Early identification and intervention for hearing loss is important. Many people live with unidentified hearing loss, often failing to realize that they are missing certain sounds and words. Checking one’s hearing would be the first step towards addressing the issue.
Do you use your music, your show, or a podcast to shut out the noise around you? Be cautious; hearing loss is real. A volume that lets you hear someone a few feet away is a safer way to go.
What you should know about hearing loss
Repeated exposure to loud noise over the years can damage your hearing—long after exposure has stopped.
This is just one of the many informative facts available on CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health’s new hearing loss website.
Help us spread the word about National Protect Your Hearing Month
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