Monthly Archives: March 2022

Noise Levels and Exposure – Noise Reduction Rating

March 16, 2022

Noise Levels and Exposure

Noise reduction headphones are rated in decibels (dB). Before discussing the noise reduction rated values it is important to understand how noise is measured and how to identify, based on those measurements, when hearing protection is required. Noise is measured in units of sound pressure levels called decibels (dB). Typically, an “A” weighted filter is applied to the measurement, dB(A), because it provides measurements that more accurately represent the sensitivity of the human auditory system by de-emphasizing sound energy in the low and high frequencies in comparison to energy in the mid-frequency range.

high noise


A Noise Reduction Rating, also sometimes referred to under the umbrella term of “hearing protection rating,” can be a confusing concept for individuals who are just starting out in the world of hearing protection terminology. To keep it simple, Noise Reduction Ratings are a set of “rules” that are set in place to serve as an absolute point of reference for those who are serious about protecting worker hearing. The NRR essentially functions as a “ruler” that measures how well a particular piece of hearing protection or equipment may work in real-time and space.


When it comes to assessing the effectiveness of hearing protection, Specialists often look at the Attenuation Estimation Systems. NRR is a common method (rating) used to determine the attenuation (expressing values of noise reduction or attenuation provided by different types of hearing protectors). The values range from 0 to approximately 30, with higher values indicating greater amounts of noise reduction.

Since the NRR is based on laboratory testing, it does not consider the loss of protection that occurs when hearing protectors are not fit properly or when they are not worn for the entire time that the wearer is exposed to noise.

Learn More about NRR:

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