Safety and Maintenance in the Automotive Industry

March 23, 2023

Workers in the automotive industry are exposed to various hazards such as noise, chemicals, sharp objects, and heat. Wearing appropriate protective gear and protection can help prevent injuries and ensure their safety.

One example of such protection is dB Blocker hearing protection.

There are several types of noise associated with the Automotive Industry such as impulsive noise, continuous noise, intermittent noise and low-frequency noise. Long-term exposure to all of these can result in permanent damage to the human ear.

CPE’s dB Blockers allow interpersonal and radio communication to be clearly exchanged while keeping your workers protected. Protect your shop workers today.

Contact us to get your shop fitted

hearing in the Automotive Industry

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Choosing the RIGHT hearing protection for Machinists, Steelwork & Fabrication workers

January 23, 2023

dB Blockers™  for Machinists, Steelwork & Fabrication workers

“Workers in the shipping and steelwork industries are exposed to the highest levels of occupational pollution because they work close to heavy industrial blowers that produce sounds of up to 112 dBA or higher.” Industrial noise pollution is caused by plants and factories – it can have an impact on the people working within as well as those living around these industrial buildings.

Machinists, Fabricators and maintenance people need to hear their machinery sound a certain way to ensure that it is running properly, so they don’t often wear their earplugs correctly.

Without the proper protective equipment, steel workers become prone to hearing damage which hinders their ability to detect a machine’s problems before it breaks down, resulting in costly consequences. dB Blockers provide your workers with the complete protection and audible range needed efficiently doing their job.

Learn more about how dB Blockers fit perfectly and come in with a convenient handle (The Grip) for clean, easy insertion and removal. For welders, disposable earplugs are not only inadequate but also dangerous as they melt, and even burn when hot slag hits them.dB Blocker - The Grip


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Interested in learning about Innovation hearing solutions, contact us today!  

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