Custom Protect Ear will be at the Cascade Occupational Safety & Health Conference

March 5, 2012

Custom Protect Ear will be attending  two-day conference March 6-7, 2012, in Eugene that will showcase the latest workplace safety and health information.Workers and employers are also invited to attend.

About the Cascade Occupational Safety & Health ConferenceWORPLACE SAFETY

The Department of Consumer and Business Services, Occupational Safety and Health Division (Oregon OSHA) is one of several partners presenting the Cascade Occupational Safety and Health Conference at Eugene’s Valley River Inn, located at 1000 Valley River Way. The event is built around the theme, “By choice, not chance – don’t gamble with safety,” and will highlight training to improve on-the-job safety performance.

On March 6, keynote speaker Todd Conklin will present, “Preventing Human Errors: What’s Stopping Us!” – a look at what’s behind human performance and why the perception of human error needs to change. Conklin is a senior adviser to the associate director at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and earned excellent reviews following a presentation at the Pendleton safety conference in 2011. Attendees remarked, “One of the best speakers I’ve ever heard” and “thought provoking.”

Conference attendees can also take advantage of a networking session and workshops focused on hazard identification, safety leadership, and risk management theory and best practices.

Other topics include:

• Emergency preparedness
• Fleet safety
• Safety committee improvement

About the Oregon OSHA

We’re dedicated to improving workplace safety and health in Oregon and committed to working with labor, business, and other government agencies to accomplish that goal. We do that in the following ways.

We hope to see you there!  ~ Custom Protect Ear

NIOSH and NHCA highlight hearing loss prevention

February 23, 2012

For a second year, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), in cooperation with the National Hearing Conservation Association (NHCA), is excited to announce a dedicated supplemental issue of the International Journal of Audiology. The issue highlights research presented at NHCA’s 36th Annual Conference in February 2011.

The studies highlighted include:

– Lessons learned from the use of new methodologies in studying hearing sensitivity after exposure to drug therapies that may cause hearing damage

– Potential barriers to implementing engineering noise controls in manufacturingNHCA NIOSH-supported research on major sources of noise in daily working life

–  NIOSH-supported research on how different hearing protection devices perform across a wide range of impulse sounds

– The effectiveness of hearing protection-enhancement devices for gunshots

– The history and impact of the NIOSH and NHCA Safe-in-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Award™

NIOSH Director Dr. John Howard noted that noise-induced hearing loss is a critical issue for all workers, stating, “The ability to hear can greatly impact a workers ability to do their job as well as their quality of life. Understanding the causes and how to effectively prevent noise-induced hearing loss is an important priority for NIOSH as we continue to look at total worker health.”

Additional support from this endeavor was provided by a grant by the Oticon Foundation, and financially underwriting by ASI Health Services; the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC), Etymotic Research Inc., HCI Hearing Conservation, Inc., HTI Inc. Mobile Audiometric Services, MED Compass, Mimosa Acoustics, and MobileEar Inc. Visit  to view the special supplemental issue.

NIOSH The 2012 Safe-in-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Awards™ will be presented at the 37th NHCA Annual Conference in New Orleans on Friday, February 24th, 2012. For information on the conference please go to . Nominations for the next round of awards will be accepted until September 1st, 2012. For further information please visit

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