New! FitCheckSolo™

October 17, 2013

ProtectEar takes the guesswork out of matching the right hearing protection with noise exposure.

October 21, 2013, Surrey BC. Canada. Custom Protect Ear Inc. (CPE) introduces a NEW product to Hearing Conservation called FitCheck Solo™. Developed by NIOSH/Dr. K. Michael and distributed by Custom Protect Ear Inc. CPE (Canada) and ProtectEar USA (United States), FitCheck Solo™.  is fast, accurate and simple.

Ease-of-use and being able to test someone with any earplug in place the way they fit them that day is what makes FitCheck Solo™ “The Smartest Fit Testing System In The World”. FitCheck Solo™ helps take the guesswork out of matching the correct hearing protection with known noise exposure.

You have tools that can measure the noise hazard, and can even measure the exposure to the noise hazard. The missing piece is knowing what attenuation online slots you are giving them   to deal with this exposure. FitCheck Solo™ can accurately measure this, for any earplug. As a training vehicle, it is the only system that can test a person’s attenuation the way they fit the plug that day. Simply pull the wearer out of the noise environment and test them with their earplugs still in place AND THEN with the plug removed. This is A GREAT way to show and teach people how to fit the plug themselves.  Another reason why FitCheck Solo™ is “The Smartest Fit Testing System In The World”.

 “The mission of Custom Protect Ear is the elimination of NIHL* for those we serve. The missing piece was always knowing the attenuation. We know the noise level, we know the exposure and we guess at the attenuation. Guessing is a thing of the past. No NRR, no de-rating, just the actual personal attenuation the wearer gets, finally!” ~ (Jeffrey Goldberg, President | Custom Protect Ear Inc.)

FitCheck Solo™ can be used by Safety Managers, Industrial Hygienists, Facility Managers, and Health &Safety Managers to measure any earplug from any source without additional devices – just a laptop, headphones and the actual earplugs they use.FitCheck Solo

To Learn more about FitCheck Solo™ please contact us today!

Custom Protect Ear

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