Giving Back to the Community
The picture below inspired me to write to you this month. I’m not blowing the company’s horn when I want to talk about giving back to the community. Why? Because there’s plenty of research to show that we are actually genetically predisposed to being our brother and sister’s keepers. In fact, giving back, leaving the world a better place than we found it, is basic tenant of many of the world’s religions and philosophies. At Custom Protect Ear is part of our mission statement.
Custom Protect Ear’s Mission Statement
OK back to the picture. Some years ago, we canvassed ProtectEar associates about what kind of helping we could do that they thought would be meaningful. After some discussion, helping those that were already trying to help themselves but just not able to manage seemed to resonate. The Food Bank fits that description. So does the community centre that charges based on ability to pay, and the summer camp that provides free camping experiences to children whose parent(s) are not able to pay.
I offer this to you in the hope that it will resonate with you. Do something for somebody to help them have a better day, week, month, life.
Warm Regards,
~ Jeffrey Goldberg,
President of Custom Protect Ear